the cripple of inishmaan
Centenary Stage Company, Hackettstown, NJ

"Barker gives a charismatic performance, allowing us to see the girl’s frustration with the company of her doltish brother and predatory older men as well as her perverse glee at the sight of yolk on someone’s face."
–The Star Ledger
"Leah Barker is particularly convincing in the complex role of the frighteningly miserable Helen. Without softening the horror that Helen can be, Barker emits glimmers of the life that is still inside her. She also flashes a feral sexuality which validates the attraction that men have for her."
"Barker is very strong as Helen. She has an impish quality about her but also a delicious viciousness, which is very entertaining, even when it’s quite cruel."
–Morris Beats
"[Bartley] gets his regular comeuppance from his sister Helen, Billy's love interest, played beautifully by Leah Barker."
–NY Examiner
the family room
Ethos Productions
New York, NY
"Not long after that, we're given a perfect, beautiful scene between David and Jennifer (Barker), their first kiss... Tyler Lea and Leah Barker anchor the entire piece with two nuanced, beautiful performances. Leah Barker expertly layers a charming and quirky personality over a wavy sea of emotional instability. Barker and Lea's chemistry and connection onstage gives The Family Room its heart-wrenching emotional center, and also a beacon of hope."
"The budding friendship and love between the teens is by far the most compelling element here. The tender scenes between David and Jennifer (Barker) atop a high rise building overlooking the city are the strongest in the show...Leah Barker plays Jennifer as an emotional girl who knows she’s supposed to hold herself together but is always about to burst."

"Lea, as David, and Barker, as Jennifer, give impressive performances as troubled teens. ...both do a really excellent job."
"The moments between David (Tyler Lea) and Jennifer (Leah Barker) are tense: their teen romance walks the line between uncomfortable and charming, and they are emotionally present throughout the play."
–Showbusiness Weekly